Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2 is one of my favorite smartwatches, it’s also one of the best from Samsung and on the market. I’ve been using this watch for a while now. And in this post, I’ll show you how to reset the Galaxy Watch Active 2 to factory settings just in case the need to return to the factory settings arises.


How To Do A Soft Reset Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2

Please note: Resetting the Galaxy Watch Active 2 will wipe all settings and data.

  1. Step 1.

  2. You can either press the lower key to see all apps, click on the settings icon Or swipe down the quick panel, then click on the settings icon.

  3. Step 2.

  4. Use the rotating bezel and scroll to advanced, click on it.

  5. Step 3.
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Again, use the rotating bezel and scroll down to the last options where you will see reset. Click on reset and the Active 2 will now reset. You’ll get a prompt that the active 2 has disconnected from the Galaxy Wearable app.

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How To Do A Hard Reset Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2

A hard reset wipes out every single data on your Active 2 and returns it to factory settings where you’ll need to do the setup process again. To do a hard reset on Active 2, follow the steps below.

  1. Step 1:

  2. Press and hold the home key to switch off the watch.

  3. Step 2:

  4. Again, press and hold the home key continuously until you see rebooting on the screen, then release your finger and press the home key intermittently to scroll through the options. Scroll to recovery.

  5. Step 3:
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Scroll to recovery, then press and hold the home key for a few seconds to start a hard reset on Galaxy Watch Active 2. This will wipe out every data on the watch and you’ll need to set it up from scratch to work with your phone.

Watch the video on how to reset Active 2
